Sequence And Progression Of Learning
Curriculum Aims
- At Redhill Primary School, we have tailored a curriculum which is ambitious for all our children.
- We recognise that not only is each child an individual but also each class and each member of staff, who all have unique interests, skills and talents. Our curriculum is designed flexibly to meet the needs of these groups.
- Personal Education is central to children’s development. Through our SCARF curriculum we support our children to thrive socially, morally, personally and culturally.
Curriculum Design
As part of the curriculum design, we have addressed the following:
- Developing sequential, progressive learning, where pupils know more and can do more, building on what they have been previously taught
- Local context and enriching the lives of pupils
- Strong focus on subject disciplines and subject-specific skills
- Considering depth, breadth and curriculum content
- Seeing the curriculum as a progressive model, by reviewing and evaluating curriculum design
- Having a clear purpose for assessment
- Listening to pupil's voice so that this feeds into the curriculum
- Clear curriculum leadership and ownership for all