Art & Design Technology
Welcome to Redhill’s Art and Design Page!
At Redhill Primary School, we believe that Art and Design lessons should provide children with opportunities to develop their knowledge, imagination and creative thinking skills. In our school, children are given opportunities to explore their ideas by experimenting, inventing and creating their own varied works of art using a range of materials and techniques. They learn how to draw, paint, sculpt and explore other art, craft and design techniques. Art is a fantastic way for all children of all ages to express themselves, be creative and to explore.
“All children are artists” – Pablo Picasso
Our Art and Design curriculum is intended to equip all pupils with a deep understanding and passion to enable them to think creatively and produce their own art work using skills and techniques through their learning. We are proud of our broad and balanced creative curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
At Redhill, our Art and Design curriculum supports the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, which can be accessed below.
National Curriculum for Art and Design
We ensure equal opportunities for all pupils by providing differentiation and open ended tasks. This ensures that all pupils, including pupils with SEND and the most able, can achieve well. Our Art and Design curriculum looks at a variety of artistic styles and interpretations and through this, children are encouraged to express themselves using a variety of mediums including digital art work.
All pupils throughout the school have art and design lessons linked to their topics wherever possible and each year group builds on the knowledge and skills taught in previous years. Teaching specific techniques is always a focus and from Reception, children are taught to use their skills and knowledge to operate the equipment effectively. Children are encouraged to evaluate and express opinions about their own work and that of others through self-assessment and feedback.
We see the impact of our Art and Design curriculum in the outcomes of every lesson. Children develop confidence in their own abilities and approach new tasks with increasing ability in skills, knowledge and techniques. Our use of assessment for learning lets us adapt lessons to the needs of our children and our assessments help us to gauge understanding of more specific knowledge as pupils progress through the school. Our evaluations of lessons are on-going and inform our future planning.
Below, you will find a few examples of the fantastic Art and Design lessons across the school.
If you have any questions about Art and Design, then ask your class teacher or see Mrs Thikri (Art and Design Lead).