Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ


In this section:


The Governing Body at Redhill Primary School is made up of 8 governors who are all committed to making sure that the children at Redhill receive the best possible education and experiences at school. 

We have responsibility for appointing staff;  managing the school finances through the budget; making sure that the building and school grounds are a healthy and safe environment; and setting the school curriculum. 

Our main priority is around ensuring that we take a strategic view of the school, leaving the operational and professional aspects of running the school to Mrs Jones and her team. As a Governing Body, it's important that we challenge our school by acting as a 'critical friend' to the Head teacher and her leadership team so it continually improves and develops .

We are committed to supporting the leadership of the school to make sure that the key values are upheld, and helping children to become

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors.

We meet together once a term as a whole team, and more often in small groups (called Committees) about Finance, Buildings and Environment, Staffing and the Curriculum.

The Governing Body is mixture of parents, staff, co-opted and local authority members. We are a member for four years. We each have an area that we take particular interest in (e.g. Numeracy, Literacy, SEN).

We are always keen to hear your views and hope that this page will help you to understand what we do, who we are and why we are serving as Governors.

The Governing Body,

Redhill Primary School

Apple glitter gifs    ... meet the Governing Body... Apple glitter gifs

Jenny Campbell - Chair

I have been involved with Redhill school for over 20 years. My journey began as a parent Governor when my children attended the school over 15 years ago. My children benefitted from the care and expertise of committed and high quality staff.  

I currently work in Housing for the Local authority meeting the demands of the most vulnerable who need assistance into housing and give assistance to ensure tenancies are maintained.

I am the current Chair of the Governing Body at Redhill School. Many years of involvement with Redhill School and working closely with communities has armed me with the tools required to work alongside the whole community at Redhill. My experience and knowledge I believe as a critical friend will help develop future vision for the school, identifying areas of improvement, resource and plans, as well as meeting the fiscal demands of running a school with a diverse community.

I strongly believe Redhill has clarity of vision, excellent ethos and strategic direction. I endeavour in my role to ensure Leaders are held to account for educational performance of pupils and ensure, financial performance is effective and efficient, and endeavour to continue on the journey to ensure great outcomes for all pupils at Redhill.


Jo Jones - Head Teacher

I am a member of the Governing Body in my capacity as Head Teacher. I have been a teacher since 1993 and have worked in Birmingham schools throughout my teacher career. I joined Redhill in 2003 as Deputy Head Teacher and became the Head Teacher in 2014.

 I am committed to ensuring that each and every child at Redhill gets the best chance in life to thrive, through ensuring they receive the best opportunities in their education and a strong set of core values in order nurture them as individuals, members of the local community, and also as responsible, global citizens.

I believe that Governors play a strategic role in supporting the development of the school and shaping its ethos and values, as well as providing both challenge and support. The most challenging part of this role is to ensure that all the children continue to receive the best opportunities with decreasing budgets, making sure that every penny is being spent wisely. My interests include spending time with my family, socialising and travelling.


Hannah Fox - Staff Governor

I have worked at Redhill School for 18 years and been teaching for over 20 years. I first came to Redhill as a Reception class teacher and EYFS lead in 2004. I'm currently the school's Assistant Headteacher, and my main areas of responsibility are SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator), Early Years lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mental Health lead. I have been a teacher governor at Redhill for over 10 years. 

I love working at Redhill because it is a really inclusive, friendly and caring school with a great community of children and parents. 

Outside of school I enjoy reading, and spending time with my family, friends and little dog.


Marie Norris - Co-opted Governor

I started my journey in Education as a Teaching Assistant before completing my teacher training. I have been teaching for eighteen years and have been working at Redhill School for fifteen years. I am currently teaching in Year 2 and have responsibilities for Maths and English for KSI. I am also Phase Leader for Years 1-3.  I have been a teacher governor for over five years.

I really enjoy working at Redhill and being part of a fantastic team that gives children the opportunities to become confident and eager learners, and 'to be the best that they can be'. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family, watching films and seeing friends.


Paul Gardner - Local Authority Governor

I have been a Local Authority school governor at Redhill primary school since 2017. I am on the BEN/Staffing & Curriculum Committee.
I have over 12 years’ experience working with children with special needs and disabilities. I also have over 11 years’ experience working within safeguarding for a child protection charity. I also have over 20 years’ experience as a school governor in various schools across Birmingham.


Samira Hassan - Parent Governor

 I am a new parent Governor at Redhill School. I have two children who currently attend the school but have been part of the school community for many years when my older children attended.

I believe that every child deserves the best education in a safe, welcoming and accepting environment. As a parent governor I hope to make a positive difference to the management and the future of the school.


Misba Mahmood - Parent Governor

I have put myself forward to be a parent governor as I have a strong commitment to making sure there are high aspirations for all the children in the school and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for all the pupils.

I have a vast interest in education, schools and young people. I would like contribute in setting the schools vision, aims and objectives.


Karl Holmes- Co-opted Governor

I am a headteacher at a local primary school and have worked as a head for several years. I understand the context of Redhill School and can support the governing body with these issues. My school also works as part of the Kingfisher Collaboration and Cole Heath Consortium.