Welcome to Reception's 'Home Learning' page!
Here you will find lots of activities to support your child's learning at home. There is a class virtual library with lots of books to share with your child and you can use the weekly 'Home Learning Plans' to find links and activities for your child to do.
Remember to check the Redhill School Twitter feed for school information and links to websites and activities. It would be great if you could post photos of your child's work on Twitter or email them to us- we'd love to see them!
Miss Fox, Miss Kendall and Mrs Akhtar
click here or on the picture to look around our classroom!
It's really important that your child stays safe online. Always supervise them when they are using the internet. This information from Cbeebies is a great way of finding out more about e-safety.
Come and look at our Reception Learning Journey Spring Term
Please send photos of your child's work to us to put on the website. We'd love to see what they are doing at home!
If you would like your child's work to be on our web page, please email Miss Fox at
click on the star to see our amazing work
Excellent home learning from Yunus, Junaid, Aliza, Hanan, Humaira, Haneen, Alina, Adam, Umayma, Mohammed, Ibtisaam, Abu Bakr, Ridwan, Rayna, Khadija and Leila. Well done! We are very proud of you. You can see your fantastic home learning by clicking on the star.
Every week we will be sending home awards for brilliant home learning. Please share your child's work with us as often as you can so we can reward them for their hard work! We hope you like your home learning certificates!
click here to see our certificates
Some of our Reception parents have sent us videos of their children's learning. This is such great way of showing us what the children are getting up to at home! Have a look at them here...
Listen to Mohammed talking about the properties of 2D shapes.
Umayma can count down from 10 really quickly!
Mohammed has been working very hard to spell words that contain the digraph /ll/.
Mohammed has been working really hard to sound out or segment cvc words.
Abu Bakr really enjoys sharing stories with his mum! Lovely reading!
Look at Adam’s amazing windmill!
Have you been learning your tricky words? Umayma has! Well done!
Umayma shows us how to do “Dough Disco”.
Count back from 10 to 0 with Umayma!
Umayma uses her pencils to find one more and one less.
Listen to Umayma retelling the story of the “Three Billy Goats Gruff”.
Mohammed has been retelling the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".
Umayma has found things around her house that begin with the /f/ sound.
Hearing /f/ at the start of words: Listen to Umayma segment words into sounds.
Humaira has made a rocket to help her count back from 10. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... blast off!"
Humaira tells us about her story map from "Jack and the Beanstalk". Listen to what she would like to find at the top!
Umayma is able to sound out and write cvc words by herself!
Listen to Umayma explaining what a symmetrical picture is...
Humaira has been finding things around her house that start with the /b/ sound.
Umayma saying the /b/ sound in phonics.
Humaira has been moving to music as she acts out part of the story "Jack and the Beanstalk"
Mohammed has been talking about the story "Jack and the Beanstalk".
Come and choose a story or song to listen to in “Reception's Library”.
It is really important that your child continues to read when they are at home. We have created an account with "Oxford Owl" for all our Reception children. Here you can find lots of free e-books and comprehension activities for your child to read and do.
Click on the owl to enter the Oxford Owl site.
To log in you will need to click 'My Class login'.
My Class name: RedhillYR
My Class password: RedhillYR
Please choose the age 4-5 books for Reception. You can also look at books for older children if you have children in different classes! The books are best looked at on tablets or computers/laptops.
Happy reading!
Twinkl are once again offering free membership to parents during the school closure. We love using Twinkl at school so it would be great if you could sign up. Twinkl have lots of free resources like worksheets, games and powerpoints for the children to use on any device.
Here are some links to websites and games we like!
Maths links:
English links:
8. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 1.3.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen. They are also in the paper pack you have picked up from school.
English: "The Three Little Pigs" Power Point (Monday)
matching x words and pictures (Tuesday)
"The Three Little Pigs" writing activity (Wednesday)
tricky word colouring (Friday)
Maths: coin matching (Monday)
coin detective worksheet (Wednesday)
'How much money is in my piggy bank?' worksheet (Thursday)
Put some money into the piggy banks (Friday)
Topic: "The Three Little Pigs" cutting activity (Monday)
On Thursday 4th March, it's World Book Day!
Click on the picture to find some stories and activities you can share with your child.
Your child might want to dress up as their favourite story character today. We'd love to see some photos of them! Please email or Whatsapp your pictures to Miss Fox.
Click here for a link to the World Book Day website
Remember to look in the Reception library for more stories and songs!
Click below to download the book token for World Book Day. You can print this out or get a paper copy from school next week.
7. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 22.2.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen. They are also in the paper pack you have picked up from school.
English: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" Power Point (Tuesday)
story sequencing pictures (Tuesday)
'sorry' card template (Thursday)
initial sound worksheet (Friday)
Maths: shape outlines (Tuesday)
tracing shapes worksheet (Thursday)
Topic: design your own crown (Wednesday)
This week, our bedtime story is “Shark in the Park”. Click on the picture to listen to the story.
This story is all about a boy called Timothy who gets a new telescope and takes it to the park to have a look around. I wonder what he will see?
Read aloud
As you read the story aloud pause at each of the cut outs and guess together what Timothy may have spotted before you read on.
Join in
As you read the story encourage your child to join in with Timothy’s cry ‘There’s a shark in the park!’ Children will enjoy completing the rhymes in the story as well.
Talk about the book
There are lots of things going on in the park, see what your child can spot on different pages.
Talk about why Timothy mistakes a cat, a crow and his dad for a shark.
If the story continued what would your child like to happen next? Would Timothy turn round and spot the shark in the pond?
Here are some links to other resources about the story that you might want to look at:
- Drawing sharks and other sea creatures with Nick Sharratt:
- A Shark in the Park puppet show:
- Make a telescope using cardboard tubes - can you see anything that looks like a shark fin?
Our song this week is called “Down in the Deep Blue Sea”.
6. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 8.2.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen. They are also in the paper pack you have picked up from school.
English: "The Gingerbread Man" Power Point (Monday)
j words and pictures (Tuesday)
Gingerbread Man speech bubbles (Wednesday)
v phonics worksheet (Thursday)
Maths: 1 less clothes line worksheet (Monday)
caterpillar number line 1 less worksheet (Tuesday)
dot subtraction worksheet (Wednesday)
subtract 1 frog worksheet (Thursday)
Topic: Gingerbread Man template (Monday)
This week, our bedtime story is “The Gruffalo”. Click on the picture to listen to the story.
One day, a little mouse takes a walk through the deep, dark wood. I wonder who he is going to meet on his journey?
Questions you can ask your child to support their language development and understanding:
- Can you remember some of the animals the little mouse met as we walked through the wood?
- Can you describe what the Gruffalo looks like?
- How did the little mouse trick the Gruffalo?
- How would you feel if you saw the Gruffalo?
We love the story of "The Gruffalo" in Reception. Here's some activities that your child could do at home to explore the story further
Our song this week is “5 Little Monkeys”. You can practice your take-away or subtraction skills when you sing this song!
5. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 1.2.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen. They are also in the paper pack you have picked up from school.
English: "The Little Red Hen" Power Point (Monday)
Matching rhyming words (Wednesday)
"The Little Red Hen" writing challenge
Maths: ladybird add 1 more worksheet (Monday)
bunny number line add 1 more worksheet (Tuesday)
add 1 more frog worksheet (Wednesday)
clothes line adding 1 more (Thursday)
Topic: "The Little Red Hen" handprints (Wednesday)
This week, our bedtime story is “Owl Babies”. Click on the picture to listen to the story.
One night, the three baby owls- Sarah, Percy and Bill, wake up. Their owl mother is gone! Listen to the story to find out what happens to the owl babies.
Questions you can ask your child to help their speaking, listening and understanding:
- How do you think the baby owls are feeling? Why do you think that?
- Ask your child to repeat “I want my mummy” as they listen.
- Where do you think the owl mummy has gone?
- How did they feel when she came back?
- What makes you feel like that?
There are loads of “Owl Babies” activities online. has some great ideas for craft activities.
This week our song is called "Put On Your Boots". What a good song to sing in the cold, wet and snowy weather. We definitely need to wear our boots at the moment! Click on the picture to listen to the song.
4. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 25.1.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen. They are also in the paper pack you have picked up from school.
English: "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" Power Point (Monday)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Troll speech bubble sheet (Monday)
f sound activity sheet (Tuesday)
matching f words and pictures (Thursday)
Maths: dinosaur 1 more and 1 less worksheet (Monday)
robot 1 more and 1 less worksheet (Tuesday)
sweets 1 more and 1 less worksheet (Wednesday)
1 more and 1 less worksheet (Thursday)
trucks 1 more and 1 less worksheet (Friday)
This week, our bedtime story is “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”.
Click on the picture to listen to this lovely story.
One day a tiger turns up at Sophie’s house and invites himself in for dinner. I wonder what a tiger eats?
Questions you can ask your child to support their language development and understanding:
- What do you think is going to happen?
- What do you think is the tiger’s favourite food?
- Why do you think the tiger went to Sophie’s house?
- Can you remember all the things that the tiger ate?
- Why did Sophie and her mummy and daddy have to go to a café at the end?
Have a look at for more activities linked to this book.
Let’s learn some more Makaton signs! This song is called “I am the Music Man”.
3. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 18.1.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen.
English: Jack and the Beanstalk Power Point (Monday)
Jack and the Beanstalk story map (Wednesday)
Jack and the Beanstalk story pictures (Friday)
Maths: shape pattern sheet (Monday)
block tower patterns (Tuesday)
Topic: Jack and the Beanstalk pencil control paths (Thursday)
This week, our bedtime story is “Supertato”. Click on the picture to listen to it.
There’s a very naughty pea on the loose! Will our hero, Supertato, save the day?
Questions you can ask to help your child talk about this story:
- Who is Supertato? What makes him special?
- Who is your favourite good character? Why?
- What makes them a good character?
- Why is the pea a villain?
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- Do you think Supertato is going to win or will the pea?
- What happened at the end of the story? Did you like it? Why?
You could have a go at making your own Supertato! Click here or on the picture to find out how.
Our song of the week is “Down in the Jungle”. Join in with the actions and wash the clothes!
2. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 11.1.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen.
English: c letter formation (Monday)
garden missing sounds (Tuesday)
cross the river words (Friday)
Maths: there is no need to print off any resources this week. If you want to sort more things by size, you can download this activity: Twinkl big and small sorting activity.
Topic: Rainbow fish template (Monday)
This week, our bedtime story is “Each Peach Pear Plum”. Click on the picture to listen to it.
In this book you will see lots of characters from nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Can you spy them all?
Questions you can ask your child to help their understanding and support their English skills:
- Who can you see on this page?
- Where are they hiding?
- Who do you think is going to be hiding next?
- Who is your favourite character? Why do you like them?
- What else can you see on the page?
If you liked that story, this website has some lovely ideas and links for more activities.
This week, our song is “BINGO”. Come and join in, Reception!
1. Click here to look at Reception’s Home Learning plan 6.1.21
Here are some resources that might be useful this week. You can either print them off or look at them on the screen.
English: m and n pictures
Maths: addition problems
This week, our bedtime story is “Peace at Last”. Click on the picture to listen to it.
With a snoring Mrs Bear, an excitable Baby Bear and a house full of tapping and dripping and ticking, peace is hard to come by – will Mr Bear ever get a decent night's sleep?
Questions you can ask your child as you both listen to the story:
- How many bears were in the story?
- Who was snoring?
- What was baby bear pretending to be?
- What sounds can Mr Bear hear?
- How do you feel Mr Bear felt in the morning?
- What woke Mr Bear up?
This week we are singing “Princess Long Ago” and learning some Makaton signs. Have a go at joining in. Can you remember all the signs? Click on the picture to join in!