Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ


Year 6

Autumn 1:

This term, Year 6 revised greetings and general French conversation words and phrases. Our topic was Animals and Pets. We learned the vocabulary for a variety of animals and expressed opinions about them using correct grammatical phrases. 

Autumn 2:

This term, Year 6 revised the French thwey had learned previously, including colours and the grammar from Auumn 1. THey learned the vocabulary for French clothes before describing what people were wearing and then designing and describing a dream outfit. 

Spring Term 1 2023 :

This term, Year 6 revised Je for I and this time learned the vocabulary for variouis foods and drinks. They learned to sing "The Waiter Song" before describing their likes and dislikes in French. Our term culminated in a role play ordering food in a French cafe. 

Spring 2:

This term, Year 6 revised conversing about their date of birth before learning the vocabulary for different star signs. They learned how to say their star sign in French and then read and translated different horoscopes describing their personality traits. Using bilingual dictionaries, they then wrote a character profile describing what they are like, looking up any new words they needed and checking their grammar and spelling.