Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ


Science Curriculum

Super Science!

We offer children the opportunities to explore, investigate and enquire in Science at Redhill. Children develop an understanding of the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all children are taught the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through lessons taught we aim for children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

At Redhill we support and develop children’s scientific knowledge and understanding in all areas of Science. Children are encouraged to develop their understanding of the processes and methods of Science through different types of Science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. We also equip children with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

We hope to inspire and motivate the children to maybe one day become a scientist and who knows, they could be responsible for the creation of new inventions or making history in Science!

Science clipart, Picture #26694 science clipartScience Policy 2020Science clipart, Picture #26694 science clipart

Science Topic map




Summer (Joyning the Learning Summer 2)



Year 1



Animals including


“Learn about a variety of common animals.”

All About Me                    Winter Wonderland

Everyday Materials


“Explore a variety of everyday materials.”

Animals around the World                   Dinosaurs


“Learn about a variety of common plants, including trees.”

Superheroes                                          Castles

Seasonal Changes (ongoing across the year)

     Winter                   Autumn                                Spring                            Summer

“Learn about the 4 seasons, including the weather.”



Year 2



Animals including Humans

“Learn about the needs of animals, including humans and the offspring they have.”




Keeping Healthy

Uses of Everyday


“Compare the suitability of everyday materials and how materials can be changed.”



Gunpowder Plot

Uses of Everyday Materials

“Compare the suitability of everyday materials and how materials can be changed.”


Horrid Henry and Pirates


“Describe how plants grow including the needs of plants.”


(Trip to the farm)





“Describe how plants grow including the needs of plants.”





Living Things and their Habitats

“Identify and describe habitats where plants and animals live.”





Year 3


“Explore all parts of plants, including functions, requirements and life cycles.”

(Trip to the EcoPark)


Animals including Humans (Teeth/Nutrition)

“Learn about types, functions and health of teeth.”

Keeping Healthy






Ancient Greece


“Learn about rocks, soils and fossils.”



Roman Britain

Forces and Magnets

“Explore how magnets attract and repel on a variety of everyday materials.”

Harry Potter


“Study aspects of light including need for light, dangers and shadows.”





Year 4

Living Things and their Habitats

“Learn about how living things are grouped, using classification keys”




Animals including Humans

(Skeleton/digestion/food chains)

“Study the human body’s skeleton and digestive system.”

Anglo Saxons & Scots


“Know how sounds are made and characteristics of sound.”




“Learn about simple series electrical circuits.”




Vikings & Anglo Saxons

States of Matter

“Explore states of materials and changes that can occur.”




             Stone Age                                     Tudors



Year 5

Living Things and their Habitats

(Puberty talk by external visitor)

“Learn about life cycles and life processes in plants and some animals.”


Earth and Space

(Trip to the National Space Centre)

“Describe the movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon.”



“Identify the effects of a range of forces on different surfaces, giving explanations.”

Extreme Earth

Animals including Humans (aging/stages of life/puberty)

“Describe the changes as humans develop to old age.”


Ancient Maya

Properties & Changes of


“Investigate everyday materials and explain processes that change materials.”


Birmingham                                  Mexico


Year 6



Living Things and their Habitats

“Learn how living things including microorganisms using taxonomy/linear system are classified.”


Antarctic Adventures

Evolution and Inheritance

“Explore changes and differences in living things.”




World War I


“Examine how changes to components impact a circuit.”



Ancient Egypt


“Explore how light travels.”





Ancient Egypt


Animals and Humans


“Study the circulatory system and responses to the body.”
