Parents, don't forget to follow us on Twitter for activities, updates and messages from teachers: @redhillprimary1
Home Learning
Dear Parents and Carer
Click the year group name in the menu to access this week's tasks if your child is learning at home. Remember to encourage children to stay safe online and to follow the SMART rules.
If you have any questions or require support, please contact the school.
Many thanks!
The Redhill Team
How to use BGFL Launch in Y4, 5 and 6:
Please watch the video below to see where your child's daily work is on BGFL Launch and get to know the J2Homework, shared files, J2Message and our J2Stars rewards:
Useful Information:
Home Education Tips for Parents
Home Learning Website List:
Helping your child stay safe online:
Click the link below to visit the NSPCC's Net Aware website. Type in the name of an app, online game or social media website to see its age restriction and it's rating based on content and settings.