Redhill Junior And Infant School

Our School Our Future

Redhill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B25 8HQ


School Council

Welcome to Redhill’s School Council.

Our School Council is made up of Miss Sullivan and two representatives from each class from Year 3 to Year 5 and four Year 6 pupils.

The children have been voted for by other pupils in their classes.
It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.

They attend regular meetings, where they feedback ideas suggested to them by their class and also discuss previous agenda items and new ideas.

Some of the fantastic things the School Councillors have been involved with are:


  • Child friendly mission statement for the school
  • Delivering an assembly to explain to the whole school the role of a school councillor
  • Pupil voice interview about learning at Redhill
  • Surveying other children about how to improve the school outdoor environment
  • Raising money for charities such as Save the Children and Comic Relief
  • Taking an active role in preparing the School Christmas production
  • Worked with catering staff to improve school meals
  • Developed a system of ‘Top table’ where children sit with members of the leadership team to eat their lunch on Friday lunchtimes as a reward for good lunchtime behaviour throughout the week.
  • Promoting reading through organising activities for World Book day.
  • Working alongside Severn Trent Water, becoming ‘Water Reporters’, to help save water and make our school more ecologically friendly.


They are always ready to listen to your ideas.